
試譯:紐約時報社論-跛鴨高峰會(Lame Duck Summit)


The New York Times/Editorial
Lame Duck Summit
Published: November 3, 2008

President Bush will be the lamest of ducks by Nov. 15, when leaders of 20 nations meet in Washington to discuss the global financial crisis. With only two months left in office, he will not be around to implement any policy changes he proposes or agrees to.

Mr. Bush’s bigger problem is his utter lack of credibility when it comes to the central question of how to regulate national and global financial markets to ensure that this disaster never happens again. Eight years and a huge financial crash later, and Mr. Bush is still extolling the corrective powers of unrestrained markets.

Still, the meeting could not, and should not, wait until a more opportune time in America’s political cycle. With the world entering a United States-led recession, the global economic powers need to air their concerns and global markets need to see that political leaders are ready to work together to restore stability.

What this first meeting should not do is try to impose any real policy changes. With the crisis still unfolding, it’s too soon for extensive reforms. Philosophical differences are also too deep and with Mr. Bush on his way out, the Americans are in no position to sign anything.

When he first proposed a meeting last month, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France called for everything from the “moralization of financial markets” to stricter bank supervision and government aid for national industries. Mr. Bush emphasized the need to preserve “free markets, free enterprise and free trade.”

The two finally agreed that the meeting would “review progress” on settling the crisis and “seek agreement on principles of reform.” At this point even that is probably too much.

The summit meeting could still be useful if the leaders used it to begin a serious discussion about the roots of the financial crisis and agree to a series of future meetings to discuss substantive reforms.

They could start the process by calling for formation of an international high-level group of nongovernment experts to analyze the causes and implications of the crisis. Once there is some agreement, another group of experts could lay out a list of potential policy changes. That would give the next president a running start.

We congratulate Mr. Bush for insisting that the invitation list be expanded beyond the wealthiest industrial nations to include other economically important ones like China, India, Australia and Brazil. They are also being hard hit by the made-in-America crisis, as turmoil in the financial markets weakens economies worldwide, threatening vital trade. And these countries deserve a voice in any long-term solution.

We’d like to believe that Mr. Bush, after eight years of disdaining diplomacy and anything with the word multilateral attached to it, has finally figured that the United States cannot go it alone.

Given the country the next president will inherit — heavily indebted, oil-dependent and the source of the prevailing financial calamity — he will be in no position to dictate terms to the rest of the world. If the Nov. 15 meeting can set the stage for real collaboration, it will be a success.
